It started before I was born. My pregnant mother traveled all over the world with me and and thus instilled within me an obsession with travel. 23 years and 41 countries later, I still get excited at the thought of experiencing a new country, city, or even revisiting favorite destinations of my past. 
I'm now a flight attendant and feel so blessed to be getting paid to do what I love! I'm always on a mission to find the most unique experiences a country has to offer, and love to completely immerse myself into different cultures. You may find me playing the Asian tourist game - visiting famous monuments while throwing up peace signs with my giant camera, but at the end of the day I am happiest engaging with locals in places that have barely seen tourism's touch.

At the end of the day, I've been pretty lazy lately when it comes to blogging... Sometimes when I travel I get lost in taking pictures and videos and just want to appreciate the moment. But I'm doing my best to keep up with this!! So here's to being a better blogger :)

Any information, photos, and posts (my opinions) on this blog are mine and mine only and not that of my employer.